
AZMARKET Time-Saving Themes & Plugins

We craft premium themes and innovative plugins, trusted by over 3.000 clients worldwide.


Great User Experience

We keep things simple and offer ready to use demo content. You don’t need an expert, but if you have one, we have plenty of advanced options.


100% Responsive and Fluid

Our fluid frameworks ensure compatibility with all browsers and devices. The themes are responsive and retina ready and look perfect on any screen size.


Reliable Customer Support

We offer pre-sale live chat and address inquiries in a timely manner. We answer fast, but we also listen. Our clients’ requests become new features.

Newest Release Products

WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval

WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval Plugin will help you to attach/upload any kind of files for a customer orders and attach files during checkout process with ease.




WP Sandbox - Easy To Create a Test Environment

Are you looking for a solution that allows customers to use the demo before purchasing products? WP Sandbox allow users to experience and use your WordPress product.




Price Matrix for WooCommerce

Price Matrix for WooCommerce simply replaces variable product dropdowns with a price table by harnessing the power of WooCommerce’s own product variations.




Contact Form 7 Cost Calculator

Contact Form 7 Cost Calculator is a clean, simple quote / project price / estimation plugin which allows you to easily create quote or price estimation forms for your WordPress site. Quote and...




Contact Form 7 - CF7 Multi-Step Forms

Contact Form 7 Multi-Step provides step by step UI for your long forms with (too) many fields. This is the most appealing way to display your forms to your visitors.




Contact Form 7 - Save to Database Pro

Contact Form 7 - Save to Database Pro has designed for saving contact form 7 plugin data into wordpress system so admin can access all data with attachments download in backend with powerful...




Repeat Order for WooCommerce

This plugin will add the “Re-order” button for all orders marked as “Completed”. On My Account page next to each orders as well as on order detail page.




WordPress Primary Category

When there are too many categories tagged in your post or product, it is automatic that Wordpress chooses one as the main category and uses it for the permalink and breadcrumbs.




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Why Choose AzMarket

AzMarket also provides Time-Saving WordPress Themes & Plugins to the community. We know how to make your WordPress system run better.


Clean & Fast Structure

All our themes and plugins are clean, modern and fully responsive to ensure your website stands out from the crowd. Our code is high quality.


Quality Products

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100% Secure Paymentt

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Well Organized Code

All our themes and plugins are clean, modern and fully responsive to ensure your website stands out from the crowd. Our code is high quality.


Life Time Free Update

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Fast and Friendly Support

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Jakub Stępniewski purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Muhammad Merchant purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Anthony Forrest purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Steve Drew purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Mathis Doré purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Misty Hardin purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Serhan Velettin purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Frederik Bulla purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Emil Gandrup purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Charles Charles Adrien purchased
Contact Form 7 Cost Calculator
Axel Engelen purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Massimo Locatelli purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Hodaka Kato purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Graphictek Solutions purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Monika Ibi purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Alexander Dolgolenko purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Pedro A Torres Pla purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Hafujin Asai purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Pedro A Torres Pla purchased
Price Matrix for WooCommerce
Andrei Simionov purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Patrizio Tortis purchased
WooCommerce Order Attachment & File Approval
Trần Thánh purchased
Repeat Order for WooCommerce
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